Prices and Examples

Everything is in USD:$50+ starting price for a retexture/colour$50+ for clothing (Simple T-Shirts and pants go for lower)$65+ for dresses, hoodies and more complicated outfits$35+ for custom accessories, e.g. bags$10+ for weightpaint fixes to per-existing models/clothes$20+ for neck accessories such as collars or bandanas$25+ for custom added hair with physbones


Basic Retexture ($40)
Basic Retexture ($40)
Basic Retexture ($40)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)

Custom Made additions and adjustments

Retexture with small mesh addons/modifications ($65+)
Retexture with small mesh addons/modifications ($65+)
Retexture with small mesh addons/modifications ($65+)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Retexture with simple prop added ($45)
Major mesh modifications with modified blendshapes ($70+)

Custom Assets/Clothing from scratch

Untextured complex clothes ($60+)
Untextured complex clothes ($60+)
Untextured complex clothes ($60+)

Wings and it's textures as well as animations were made by me.

Themed renders

Unavailable for commission

Untextured complex clothes ($60+)
Untextured complex clothes ($60+)
Untextured complex clothes ($60+)
Untextured complex clothes ($60+)

You can contact me via email, Discord or Twitter! Links found on the homepage!